If you want to go skydiving, the safest way to start is to become acquainted with the basic rules and risks associated with the sport. By doing this you will greatly reduce the risk of injury and accidental death.Most skydiving companies have an age restriction of 18 years and over. A parent cannot sign a document for a minor saying that they are allowed to jump, there are usually no exceptions to this rule. You must also weigh under 240 pounds in order to ensure the softest landing possible.Skydiving is not a physically demanding sport, but you must be in basic good health and strong enough to pull your parachute line, which for most people is not a problem.
Courses at skydiving schools will last around four to six hours and the jump is completed on the same day if the weather permits. Some schools allow you to jump the first time alone, although this is up to the teachers' discretion. W.
hen you show up for skydiving, you should wear lose, comfortable clothing and running shoes. Restrictive clothing, sandals, or open toed shoes should not be worn. Glasses and contacts can also be worn because goggles will be provided that can fit over either.
A skydiving jump usually lasts 60 seconds, with 35 seconds of free fall.Many people report that free falling feels a lot more like flying than falling and can be one of the most exhilarating experiences of a lifetime. And of course, the question everyone wants to know, how safe is skydiving? Skydiving is actually a very safe extreme sport, although it is important to know that there are risks involved. When you jump out of a plane that is 10, 000 feet above ground and fall at about 120 miles an hour, there are bound to be risks. But when done properly, the risks of injury or death are very unlikely.
Remember, that there is always a relationship between your knowledge, skill and attitude, and your chances for survival with any extreme sport. I recommend researching this topic more in depth and never stop learning.skydiving.
.Tyler D King.By: Tyler D King